Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. Awards Three High School Seniors with the Ninth Annual Raymond “Hap” Harrison Scholarship


Adam Leitman Bailey awarded three recipients, Ashley Brito, Chabely Jorge and Stefany Lazieh, for the year 2016. Nine years ago, Adam Leitman Bailey founded the Raymond ‘Hap’ Harrison scholarship in honor of his high school track coach Raymond Hap Harrison, who inspired him greatly. The scholarship is awarded annually to recent High School graduates who

Adam Leitman Bailey Gives Tour of Wall Street to New Milford High School Students 2016


"Mr. Bailey told students that he became an attorney to help people and defend the truth..." Adam Leitman Bailey has always been very interested in history and chooses to share his wealth of historical knowledge with students of his alma mater New Milford High School (NMHS). This tradition is just one of the many

“Adam and the rest of the ALB staff have continuously supported me…”


“Adam and the rest of the ALB staff have continuously supported me . . . . My interest in giving back sprouts from Adam’s generosity and desire to help students like myself.” I hope you are doing well. This semester I will be working with the Multicultural Recruitment Committee (MRC) at Columbia. The MRC is

2016 Raymond “Hap” Harrison Scholarship Winner Stefany Lazieh Updates on her Year


“Adam has been so supportive and will go to any lengths to help me accomplish these goals. The opportunities he has offered helped me gain the skills I needed to get into college and will continue to give me the confidence to get accepted to medical school” Thank you so much for reaching out to

“Adam continues to inspire me with this generosity and his mentorship.” Kelly McNaughton One of our Raymond “Hap” Harrison Scholarship Winners Updates us on her Progress as we Move into 2017


“Adam continues to inspire me with this generosity and his mentorship. I owe so much of my success in college to his guidance and continued support.” Kelly McNaughton One of our Raymond “Hap” Harrison Scholarship Winners Updates us on her Progress as we Move into 2017 I hope all is well with you! This semester

Women’s Leadership Program – “We learn skills like resume building, networking, professional attire“


I am a part of the Women’s Leadership Program, we basically meet every month for professional development and we learn skills like resume building, networking, professional attire. Alumni of the program come back and talk to us about their life and empower us and what they are up to now. At the end of the

Levar Francis Thanks Adam Leitman Bailey


Levar Francis would like to give a very big thank you to Adam Leitman Bailey for awarding me with the Raymond “Hap” Harrison Scholarship. I am beyond grateful, not just for the scholarship but for giving me the amazing opportunity to intern at Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. this past year. It is an experience that

Brittany Amoroso, a Raymond “Hap” Harrison Scholarship Winner Updates Us


“I am currently studying abroad in Rome, Italy! It’s still surreal to me that I am studying abroad and have been to cities all over Italy, Paris, Barcelona, Dublin and even have an upcoming trip planned to Greece! Experienceing so many new, diverse and yet uniquely incredible cultures and cities has really made me realize

Jennifer Teets, a Raymond “Hap” Harrison Scholarship Winner Updates Us


“My second semester at The College of New Jersey has been awesome so far. I am staying on top of all my work, which has been a bit easier with the lighter schedule of the spring season for Women’s Club Soccer. My coed intramural soccer team has made it to the playoffs, which we will

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