Adam Leitman Bailey named Breanne Springstead the seventh recipient of the Raymond “Hap” Harrison Scholarship. Ms Springstead is a member of the 2012 graduating class of New Milford High School. Adam Leitman Bailey started this scholarship in honor of his high school cross country and track coach, Raymond “Hap” Harrison. The
Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. Interns Awarded College Scholarship
admin2020-09-22T10:17:55+00:00Adam Leitman Bailey named Raquel Beckford and Breanne Springstead the sixth and seventh recipients of the Raymond “Hap” Harrison Scholarship respectively. Ms. Beckford is a member of the 2012 graduating class of Peace and Diversity Academy and Ms Springstead is a member of the 2012 graduating class of New Milford High School.
A Student Article about Adam Leitman Bailey as Tour Guide for New Milford High School’s AP US History Annual Field Trip
admin2020-09-22T10:05:43+00:00Every year, the juniors in Mr. Tusa’s AP U.S. History class take a field trip to Wall Street in New York City. The students are given a tour, guided by Mr. Adam Leitman Bailey, who ranked among the top 100 lawyers on Wall Street in a recent survey. Mr. Tusa recaps the trip by saying:
Adam Leitman Bailey Finds Wallet Containing $2,700 in New York City Taxi Cab
admin2020-09-22T10:07:45+00:00Adam Leitman Bailey’s public service endeavors reach far beyond writing a check Adam Leitman Bailey’s public service endeavors reach far beyond writing a check, speaking at schools and providing internships and scholarships. We have a duty to help our community and those persons that need us. This extends to individual assistance and assistance with needs
Adam Leitman Bailey mentioned in “Lawyers Giving Back” for giving high school students tour of downtown Manhattan
admin2020-09-22T10:08:38+00:00Field Trip Adam Leitman Bailey of Adam Leitman Bailey in New York gives a tour of downtown Manhattan courthouses to house to history students from his high school alma mater. From providing educational experiences outside the classroom to awarding scholarships, Bailey is actively involved with the students.
“Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for Jennifer.” – Parents of scholarship winner, Jennifer Teets
admin2020-09-22T10:09:38+00:00Dear Adam: Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for Jennifer. The internship at ALB, P.C. was a wonderful opportunity for Jennifer to mature intellectually, professionally and socially. Jennifer would share so many anecdotes of her days at your law firm that we felt we knew you and many others. We
Aissatou Diallo Chosen as a Sixth Annual Recipient of the Raymond “Hap” Harrison Scholarship
admin2020-09-22T10:10:40+00:00Adam Leitman Bailey named Aissatou Diallo the eighth recipient of the Raymond “Hap” Harrison Scholarship respectively. Ms Diallo is a member of the 2013 graduating class of Benjamin Banneker Academy. Adam Leitman Bailey started this scholarship in honor of his high school cross country and track coach, Raymond “Hap” Harrison. The scholarship is awarded annually
Keilon La Barrie Chosen as a sixth Annual Recipient of the Raymond “Hap” Harrison Scholarship
admin2020-09-22T10:13:03+00:00Adam Leitman Bailey named Keilon La Barrie the ninth recipient of the Raymond “Hap” Harrison Scholarship respectively. Mr. La Barrie is a member of the 2013 graduating class of George Westinghouse High School. Adam Leitman Bailey started this scholarship in honor of his high school cross country and track coach, Raymond “Hap” Harrison. The scholarship
Jennifer Teets Chosen as a Sixth Annual Recipient of the Raymond “Hap” Harrison Scholarship
admin2020-09-22T10:14:07+00:00Congratulations to Jennifer Teets, who has been named the eighth recipient of the Raymond “Hap” Harrison Scholarship. Ms Teets is a member of the 2013 graduating class of New Milford High School. Adam Leitman Bailey started this scholarship in honor of his high school cross country and track coach, Raymond “Hap” Harrison. The scholarship is