Jennifer Teets

Removed bolded from short description: Jennifer was a paid intern at Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. for the summer of 2012. She was chosen through a program where the principal and teachers select one student out of the entire school to receive this internship opportunity. Ms. Teets graduates second in her class in addition to being an outstanding track and soccer athlete. In the fall, Ms. Teets will be attending The College of New Jersey. She has successfully demonstrated all of the qualities required to become another Raymond “Hap” Harrison Scholarship winner.
Degrees: Sociology and Public Health
Congratulations to Jennifer Teets, who has been named the eighth recipient of the Raymond “Hap” Harrison Scholarship. Ms Teets is a member of the 2013 graduating class of New Milford High School. Adam Leitman Bailey started this scholarship in honor of his high school cross country and track coach, Raymond “Hap” Harrison. The scholarship is awarded annually to a High School graduate that will be attending college. Mr. Bailey is a 1988 graduate of New Milford High School.
2017 Raymond “Hap” Harrison Scholars Luncheon
Scholarship recipients, old and new, joined Adam Leitman Bailey at the new firm offices on Thursday, July 27th, 2017 for the annual Scholars Luncheon. Taking in the scenery everyone reflected upon their time at the firm, thanking Adam for the opportunities and experiences he provided.
Each year, Adam Leitman Bailey, in conjunction with Building Foundations and Dreams, sits down with these inspiring students (from the most recent university graduates to rising college freshmen) to honor their hard work and celebrate their outstanding achievements, both inside and out of the classroom. At the annual luncheon, the recipients have the chance to talk one-on-one with Mr. Bailey, network with one another, and provide Mr. Bailey with their latest updates – new jobs, awards received in the previous semester, and other exciting adventures in their personal and professional lives. This year was particularly special, as it marked the tenth year of the scholarship’s existence.

2016 Raymond “Hap” Harrison Scholars Luncheon
These luncheons give the students time to talk with Mr. Bailey, seek advice from him and catch up. This year, there was a special guest via Skype, Raymond Harrison himself spoke to the group, sharing words of wisdom. Raymond Harrison was a track coach at New Milford High School and was a mentor to Adam Leitman Bailey, and in turn Mr. Bailey named the scholarship after him. Mr. Harrison shared how proud he is of the students and of Adam Leitman Bailey for his continued generosity in providing the scholarship year after year.
Throughout the lunch, the students reflected on their time at the firm and discussed what being a scholarship winner means to them. Each and every one of them would not be where they were today without both the financial support and mentorship given to them by Adam Leitman Bailey. The scholarship program has grown every year since it’s creation in 2008.

Hi, I’m Stefany Lazieh. Hi, I’m Breanne Springstead. Hi, I’m Jennifer Teets. Hi, I’m Chabely Jorge. Hi, I’m Ashley Brito. Hi, I’m Kelly McNaughton. We are the Raymond “Hap” Harrison Scholarship winners.
SL: I have just received the Raymond “Hap” Harrison scholarship and I will be attending Rutgers University in the fall. I will be studying Premed and possibly major in microbiology or biochemistry.
BS: I just graduated Rutgers University in New Brunswick. I majored in Communications, with minors in Phycology and Human Resource Management.
JT: I’m about to go into my last year at the College of New Jersey. I am a Sociology major with a minor in Public Health.
CJ: I just received the Raymond “Hap” Harrison Scholarship and I’ll be attending Columbia University this fall, and I plan to major in Political Science
AB: I have just received the Raymond “Hap” Harrison Scholarship, and I plan to attend Fordham in the fall. I hope to major in Political Science.
Q. What does receiving the scholarship mean to you?
KM: I am going into my junior year at Rutgers University and I am studying Business Management and Labor Studies. So as a recipient of this scholarship, I have been able to not have to take out loans to go to college, which is something that has really been a blessing because it has allowed me to accomplish so much. I’m so grateful for it, because you know it’s hard to go to college and have these opportunities and I see my friends, you know, struggling with loans and for me it’s just freedom to do what I want, to major in what I want and really just get the most out of my experience without worrying about the financial side of it.
BS: So, other than the financial side of having the scholarship, it really has taught me time management because I had to keep a GPA above 3.75 so you really have to study and get your work done, but also obviously mental health wise you can’t just sit and study all day, so I was able to figure out how to balance studying, having fun, maintaining my grades and then because of having to maintain my grades, I ended up graduating in the top 2% of my class.
JT: Of course the financial aspect of the scholarship has been extremely valuable. I was able to study abroad for a whole semester in Barcelona, which financially can be a burden, but it was an opportunity that I wish everyone could have. In addition to the financial aspect, just having Adam’s mentorship has been extremely valuable to me. He’s helped me pursue different internships and positions sort of in his field with connections that he has, but he’s also helped me pursue thing that are not so aligned with his interests and that is extremely valuable. He goes above and beyond to help in something that doesn’t really know about, like healthcare for example.
CJ: I’m very honored and excited to have received this from Adam, not only because that means that I demonstrated a lot of hard work and dedication but because I am excited to continue to be involved with ALB. His mentorship is probably the thing that I am most looking forward to and also all the experiences that receiving the scholarship can have, and above all the money will also help, for study abroad or anything else I’d like to do, especially since I want to go in South Africa for my major so, I hope that I can do that.
SL: I know that this scholarship will open so many opportunities for me in college and in the future, and I’m really grateful that Adam has allowed me to take this money and apply it to medical school, which I know can be an extreme financial burden. Not only has Adam provided me with his mentorship for college, but he has also opened the door for me to study medicine and any kind of medicine that I hope to pursue in the future.
AB: For me, applying to college was a lot about the financial aspect. I didn’t want to burden my mother, my parents, or my family in general with a lot of debt, so for me the scholarship really means that I got to go to a school that’s quite frankly, very expensive and the scholarship really helped me kind of finalize my decision and realize that I could do it, so there was a lot of financial benefit for me. I think that additionally, the scholarship is additional motivation for me in my education because I know that looking at it, and even looking at the plaque in the future it’s like someone believes in me, and it will be motivation for me to continue and pursue my education further.
KM: More than just the scholarship, it’s really Adam himself being there for each and every one of us. He really goes above and beyond to make sure that we have everything we need to succeed, and you know it’s not even about the money at the end of the day because it’s about him emailing us, checking in on us and that’s the part of being a scholarship winner that is most important.
Q. Thoughts and takeaways:
CJ: I want to say thank you to Adam for having given me this opportunity, and everyone that was there for support and believing in me.
BS: I just want to say thank you, without the scholarship, my time at Rutgers would have been totally different, and I just want to say thank you because despite the fact that I worked here five years ago, I’m still getting help from Adam, he’s helping me find a full time job now that I’ve graduated and it’s amazing. It’s honestly a lifelong help just to be here.
JT: I’d like to thank Adam who has helped me along the way and supported me. Being put in this position has helped me so much and I’m much more confident in so many other aspects of life because of Adam.
KM: This has been a learning experience like no other and even as the years go by, and we’re all in college now or going to be in college, we’re still learning form Adam, every single day, every time we contact him and I think that’s really amazing, so thank you.
AB: Adam was always checking in, going are you okay? How is the college process going?, and he even gave me advice about which college to choose, so I appreciate all of his support and, more than that, I appreciate the mentorship that I know will come from the scholarship.
SL: I just want to thank Adam especially for, not only the scholarship, but for all the experience I’ve had.
“I am humbled to be joining the ranks of the talented, remarkable individuals who have been awarded this scholarship before me.”
Dear Adam:
Thank you very much for allowing me the honor of being this year’s recipient of the Raymond “Hap” Harrison Scholarship. I am humbled to be joining the ranks of the talented, remarkable individuals who have been awarded this scholarship before me.
There are no words to express how grateful I am to have had the opportunity to be a high school intern at your firm, to have gotten to know you so well and to now be the recipient of such a generous and prestigious scholarship award.
I also want to thank you for all your relentless hard work and dedication in trying to help me be accepted off Penn’s wait list. I am so appreciative that you took the time out of your busy schedule to advocate for me so passionately. It is truly humbling that someone as admirable and successful as you has so much faith in me for my future.
I know you will always be rooting for me and supporting me, and for that I couldn’t feel luckier and hope I make you proud.

“Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for Jennifer.”
Dear Adam:
Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for Jennifer. The internship at ALB, P.C. was a wonderful opportunity for Jennifer to mature intellectually, professionally and socially. Jennifer would share so many anecdotes of her days at your law firm that we felt we knew you and many others. We were happy to meet you at the Senior Awards Dinner.
Jennifer is fortunate to have you as a mentor. We know she truly values your ideas and advice. You and members of your firm went to great lengths to endorse Jennifer’s admission to the University of Pennsylvania and we appreciate the effect of each individual involved.
We are absolutely thrilled that Jennifer is the recipient of the Raymond “Hap” Harrison Scholarship this year. It is truly an honor for her to receive this scholarship which represents two well-respected individuals who uphold the ideas of academic achievement, unbreakable spirit and making the world a better place for all. Your generous scholarship award is humbling and will certainly help tremendously with funding Jennifer’s college education.
Thank you for all you do for Jennifer and all the tremendous opportunities you so graciously provided for so many other individuals. You are truly one of the New Milford’s finest!
Anne and Bill Teets