Melissa Wilson

Adam Leitman Bailey named Melissa Wilson and Jiovanni Moore the Eighth Annual recipients of the Raymond “Hap” Harrison Scholarship.
Melissa Wilson will be graduating from New Milford High School, the same high school Adam Leitman Bailey attended. Ms. Wilson has excelled in her studies graduating with a 3.8 GPA. During the Summer 2014 Semester, Ms. Wilson was a paid intern with Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. working alongside Adam Leitman Bailey and the other attorneys. “Melissa was a fantastic intern and a tremendous asset to the ALBPC team during her summer here,” explained Brianna Loverich, the Director of Client Relations at ALBPC, “she was reliable, mature and a pleasure to work with in the office. She helped with numerous projects and continuously exceeded my expectations.” She will be attending Rutgers University in New Brunswick this Fall.
Raymond Harrison Congratulates the Newest Recipients of the Raymond “Hap” Harrison Scholarship
“Congratulations to Melissa Wilson and Jiovanni Moore.
I am honored and humbled that Adam Bailey continues to assist worthy students as they pursue their education and their dreams. In eight years Adam Leitman Bailey and his charity, Building Foundations, has awarded tuition scholarships to 14 worthy students.
These are not one time gifts. Adam pays for tuition throughout all four years of college. I thank Adam for his continued generosity; and I congratulate Melissa and Giovanni!”
Raymond ‘Hap’ Harrison